


Art.1. Romanian Electron Microscopy Society (REMS)

The Association Romanian Electron Microscopy Society is founded on the initiative of 25 members who have freely expressed will of the Association:

No. Name Institution Membership
1 Andronescu Ecaterina University Politehnica of Bucharest, Department of Science and Engineering of Oxide Materials and Nanomaterials Founding member
2 Antoniac Vasile Iulian University Politehnica of Bucharest Founding member
3 Barbu-Tudoran Lucian Department of Cell Biology and Molecular Biotechnology Founding member
4 Bojin Dionezie University Politehnica of Bucharest Founding member
5 Tanko Gabriela Institute of Cellular Biology and Pathology ”Nicolae Simionescu„ Founding member
6 Costas Liliana Andreea National Institute of Materials Physics Founding member
7 Fruth Victor Ilie Murgulescu” Institute of Physical Chemistry of the Romanian Academy Founding member
8 Gherghiceanu Mihaela National Institute of Research-Development in the Pathology Domain and Biomedical Sciences „Victor Babeș” Founding member
9 Ghica Corneliu National Institute of Materials Physics Founding member
10 Ghițulică Cristina University Politehnica of Bucharest, Department of Science and Engineering of Oxide Materials and Nanomaterials Founding member
11 Manole Emilia National Institute of Research-Development in the Pathology Domain and Biomedical Sciences „Victor Babeș” Founding member
12 Maxim Florentina Ilie Murgulescu” Institute of Physical Chemistry of the Romanian Academy Founding member
13 Mercioniu Ionel Florinel National Institute of Materials Physics Founding member
14 Miculescu Florin University Politehnica of Bucharest Founding member
15 Moza Maria Iasmina Biology Institute of the Romanian Academy and the University "Lucian Blaga" Founding member
16 Nistor Leona Cristina National Institute of Materials Physics Founding member
17 Prodan Gabriel University Ovidius of Constanta Founding member
18 Sfîrloagă Paula National Institute of Research - Development in Electrochemistry and Condensed Matter Founding member
19 Teodorescu Valentin Șerban National Institute of Materials Physics Founding member
20 Trușcă Roxana Doina METAV Research-Development Founding member
21 Vasile Eugeniu University Politehnica of Bucharest, Department of Science and Engineering of Oxide Materials and Nanomaterials Founding member
22 Vasile Bogdan Ștefan University Politehnica of Bucharest, Department of Science and Engineering of Oxide Materials and Nanomaterials Founding member
23 Vasiliu Florin National Institute of Materials Physics Founding member
24 Vuta Vlad Institutul de Diagnostic și Sănătate Animală Founding member
25 Surdu Vasile-Adrian University Politehnica of Bucharest, Department of Science and Engineering of Oxide Materials and Nanomaterials Founding member

Art.2. Name of Association

The name of the Association is Romanian Electron Microscopy Society. This Association shall be governed by the dispositions of the Romanian law 246/2005 on the basis of Government Ordinance no. 26/2000 as amended, as a professional civil Association, non-governmental, private, apolitical and independent of any public or private organization with legal personality. The Association is registered in Romania. The name was reserved by name availability with proof no. 129329/10.31.2013 issued by the Ministry of Justice and received consent to use the name of the Romanian Government no. 1552 dated 05.02.2014 issued by the General Secretariat of the Government of Romania.

Art.3 A.I.M.:

Active contribution to encouraging progress in electron microscopy and its applications in all aspects, including research and education in Romania.

Art.4 Objectives:

  1. Consider periodic dynamics of the field of electron microscopy in Romania, to submit proposals under the law, the legislative and executive institutions, coordinate and / or enforce national and / or research topics related to electron microscopy;
  2. To support companies, private or state-owned institutions to perform work of scientific research, expertise, diagnostic, consulting, forecasting, technical assistance, quality analysis, development of rules and standards in its field of activity determined under contract;
  3. To establish and maintain professional relationships with national or international organizations in profile of research, development, production, standardization etc.;
  4. To support the professional and scientific interests of its members;
  5. To inform its members on the development and technical progress in the field of electron microscopy and related fields;
  6. To encourage and assist members of the association in publication of books and papers;
  7. To establish annual awards for the best papers published by its members at home and abroad;
  8. To sustain the participation of its members at congresses, symposiums, training courses, summer schools, workshops, specialized exhibitions organized at regional, national or international level;
  9. To increase the competence of S.M.E.R. members by raising the level of training achieved through: exchanges, contacts with specialists with higher education in the territory, training courses and participation in international events;
  10. Facilitating the member access to scientific journals;
  11. To organize regular meetings of SMER members in annual symposia;
  12. Initiation and development of scientific links with other scientific societies in the country and foreign microscopy companies;
  13. To edit scientific journals as well as materials relating to various scientific meetings;
  14. To organize an annual symposium (Workshop) of Electronic Microscopy addressed to researchers and academics, as well as undergraduate, postgraduate, doctoral and post-doctoral students (in order to familiarize them with the various modes of electron microscopy, the possibilities and limitations);
  15. To attract donations and sponsorships for implementing the measures referred to above (within legality and a high morality).

Art.5 Association headquarters

The Asssociation’s registered office is in Bucharest, Splaiul Independentei Street, no 313, ANs17, Sector 6, Postal Code: RO-060042 tel./fax: +40214029758/+40214029703.

Art.6 Founding members

The founding members of SMER are: ANDRONESCU Ecaterina, ANTONIAC Vasile Iulian, BARBU-TUDORAN Lucian, BOJIN Dionezie, TANKO Gabriela, COSTAS Liliana Andreea, FRUTH Victor, GHERGHICEANU Mihaela, GHICA Corneliu, GHIȚULICĂ Cristina, MANOLE Emilia, MAXIM Florentina, MERCIONIU Ionel Florinel, MICULESCU Florin, MOZA Maria Iasmina, NISTOR Leona Cristina, PRODAN Gabriel, SFÎRLOAGĂ Paula, SURDU Vasile-Adrian, TEODORESCU Valentin Șerban, TRUȘCĂ Roxana Doina, VASILE Eugeniu, VASILE Bogdan Ștefan, VASILIU Florin, VUTA Vlad.

Art.7 Operating time

The Association is established for an indefinite period starting from the date on which acquire legal personality.

Art.8 Associations Patrimony

The initial assets is the sum of 1,250 lei.
Categories of patrimonial resources of the Association may come from:

  1. registration fees and other taxes, contributions and membership fees;
  2. interest and dividends arising from investments, in legal conditions;
  3. dividends from companies established by the Association, if any;
  4. income from direct economic activities with auxiliary character - sale or rental of goods and services, sale or rental of property of the estate etc.;
  5. fees from consulting activities, services, research;
  6. donations, sponsorships or legacies;
  7. other sources obtained from the state or local budgets;
  8. funding of programs and projects, grants, subsidies and other forms of material or financial support, compliance with legal requirements;
  9. Other sources of income, in accordance with regulations and legislation

The Association can contract credits in Lei or foreign currencies, according to the law.
If in the future will decide the dissolution of the Association, the assets that will be part of the heritage association can not be transmitted by individuals, but by Romanian legal persons having identical or similar purpose as this association.

Art.9 Categories of membership

The Association consists of the following categories of membership:

  • Founding members - are those who have decided to create this association;
  • Members - specialists are represented by specialists in electron microscopy in the country, using this technique for characterization and wishing to join the association. With the application for becoming a member the registration fee and dues are paid;
  • Honorary Members - renowned personalities of public life in the country or abroad, or scientific supporting the work of the association, exempt from paying the annual membership fee;
No. Name Institution Membership
1 Acad. Maya Simionescu Institutul de Biologie Celulară și Patologie București Membru de onoare
2 Acad. Laurențiu Mircea Popescu Institutul „Victor Babeș” București Membru de onoare
3 Dr. Ion Morjan Institutul Național pentru Fizica Laserilor, Plasmei și Radiației Membru de onoare
4 Dr. Lucian Pintilie Institutul Național de Cercetare Dezvoltare pentru Fizica Materialelor Membru de onoare
5 Prof. Victor Ciupina Universitatea „Ovidius” din Constanța Membru de onoare
6 Prof. Romeo Olariu Universitatea „Al. Ioan Cuza” din Iași Membru de onoare
7 Acad. Bogdan C. Simionescu Institutului de Chimie Macromoleculară “Petru Poni” Iași Membru de onoare
8 Prof. Corneliu Munteanu Universitatea Tehnica „Gh. Asachi” Membru de onoare
9 Prof. Simion Simon Universitatea “Babeș-Bolyai” Cluj-Napoca Membru de onoare
10 Prof. Constantin Crăciun Universitatea “Babeș-Bolyai” Cluj-Napoca Membru de onoare
11 Prof. Aurel Ardeleanu Universitatea de Vest „Vasile Goldiș” din Arad Membru de onoare
12 Prof. Viorel Șerban Universitatea „Politehnica” din Timișoara Membru de onoare
13 Prof. Lucian Rusnac Universitatea „Politehnica” din Timișoara Membru de onoare
14 Prof. Aurel Răduță Universitatea „Politehnica” din Timișoara Membru de onoare
15 Dr. Ioan Grozescu Institutul Național de Cercetare – Dezvoltare pentru Electrochimie și Materie Condensată Timișoara Membru de onoare
16 Prof. Constantin Gheorghieș Universitatea “Dunărea de Jos” din Galați Membru de onoare
17 Prof. Dan Dascălu Institutul Național de Cercetare Dezvoltare pentru Microtehnologie Membru de onoare
18 Prof. Wilhelm Kappel Institutul National de Cercetare Dezvoltare pentru Inginerie Electrică (ICPE-CA) Membru de onoare
19 Dr. Sorin Lazăr Universitatea POLITEHNICA din București (FEI-Company) Membru de onoare

Student members - students, masters and doctoral students, who will pay a share of 25% of fee established for the other members, the members entitled to vote. These members can participate in the General Assembly vote, but without the right to be elected to the governing bodies

Art.10 Becoming an associate:

The Romanian Electron Microscopy Society brings together by free adhesion the physical and juridical personos wishing to advocate any form to the development of electron microscopy.
To aquire the status of a full member of the Associations, the aspirant has to recognize and adhere provisions of this Statute.

The admission in this Association means completing the individual application approved by the Board with reference to the category in which wants to be part of.
Admission of new members to the Association should be disclosed to third parties by the publication/display panel inside the headquarters of the Association and other means of mass information, but they will be included also in the register of members.


Art.11 Rights of members of the Association:

  1. To express their opinions freely within the Association regarding the work of the Board of the Association;
  2. To participate in the activities undertaken by the Association;
  3. To participate in the propagation of the principles of the association;
  4. To receive timely and correct any information which the Association owns and which are useful for carrying out its duties;
  5. To choose and / or to run and be elected to the Association's internal structure, under this Statute and Rules of Procedure;
  6. Within the Association to defend against any accusation with scientific and professional character, related to the profile;
  7. To participate in general meetings of the association and the activities organized by it;
  8. To participate on behalf of the association, on the basis of a mandate given by the Board, at congresses, symposiums, training courses, exhibitions, fairs, etc. with national and international character;
  9. To get support when traveling in the country and abroad at congresses, symposiums, training courses, exhibitions, fairs, etc., if so contribute to the development of the association, with the approval of the Board of Directors;
  10. To propose measures to improve the functioning of the Association;
  11. To participate in scientific meetings and other activities organized by SMER

Art.12 Obligations of members of the Association:

  1. To comply with the provisions of this Statute;
  2. To promote and defend the general principles of the Association;
  3. To participate in all activities he is convoked;
  4. To represent the interests of the Association in the work in any position gained with the support of the Association;
  5. To pay the fees in due time;
  6. To respect decisions of the governing bodies of Association and also the rules of organization and functioning of the Association;
  7. To contribute to raising the prestige of the Association;
  8. Do not denigrate the Association whatever form it is made disparaging;
  9. To inform management of the association about the information received at conferences, exhibitions, workshops etc., which may lead to the development of the Association.

Art.13 Loss of membership of S.M.E.R.

Membership of SMER may be lost by:

  1. Retire;
  2. Exclusion;
  3. Failure to pau dues for one year;
  4. Violation of Statute principles.

Withdrawal occurs in the request for withdrawal as a result of freely expressed will of the person concerned and approved by the board of directors. Exclusion is decided by the board of directors of the association in accordance with Article 15 of this Statute.

Art.14 Management and control of the Association

The management and control of the association is achieved by the following bodies:

a) General Assembly;

b) Board of Directors;

c) the Censor.

Art.15 General Assembly

The General Assembly consists of all members of SMER;

The General Assembly meets at least once a year;

The General Assembly may also meet at the Board's proposal, in extraordinary meetings;

The General Assembly includes the following tasks:

  1. Setting strategy and overall objectives of the Association;
  2. Discussion and approval of the Audit Comission Report;
  3. Discussion and approval of the activity in between meetings and make proposals for future activities;
  4. Approval of revenue and expenditure account and balance sheet;
  5. Choice and recall of the Board;
  6. Choosing and revoking the censor / censor committee;
  7. Changing the Statute and Articles of Incorporation;
  8. Dissolution / liquidation of the association and destination of assets after liquidation;
  9. Discharge of Board of Directors;
  10. Determines the amount of tuition and fees;
  11. Apply disciplinary sanctions for members of governing bodies;
  12. Discuss and propose measures for improvement of the Association and promote its principles.

The General Assembly meets once a year in ordinary session. In urgent cases the General Assembly shall meet in an extraordinary meeting and convene the Board or a third of the members of the association.

The ordinary meeting of the General Assembly takes place during at least 2 days. The first day will be devoted to a annually electron microscopy symposium organized annually in plenary session or in two sections (materials science, life sciences). The second day will be reserved for administrative issues.

Convening the General Assembly is made by mail or electronic means (e-mail, fax, website of the association) at least 15 days before, while announcing the date, time and space Meeting to be held, which is the order of day, and by posting on the notice board of the office of the association.

Student members have voting rights in the shareholders meeting. The decisions taken at the meeting validly vote of half plus one of the members voting. If you can not meet quorum, the meeting shall be deemed validly reconvened for the day when they can make the decision to ½ + 1 vote of the members present voting;

Association members may appoint the individual mandate representation, another person to represent them at the General Assembly, where there are reasonable grounds.

General Assembly decisions are made with 50% plus one of the members present and members of the association will be communicated through any media (e-mail, fax, website of the association), but will also be displayed at the headquarters of the association.

General Assembly decisions are binding on all members of the association, whether or not participating in the meeting.

General Assembly decisions that are contrary to the law, the articles of incorporation or the provisions of the statute, can be challenged in court by either associate members who did not attend the General Meeting or voted against and asked to insert it into minutes of the meeting within 15 days from the date they became aware of the judgment or the date when the meeting took place, as appropriate.


Art.16 Board of Directors

The Board of Directors consists of:

  1. President of Board – Mr. VASILE Bogdan Stefan;
  2. Vice-president of Board – Mrs. NISTOR Leona Cristina;
  3. Vice-president of Board – Mrs. GHERGHICEANU Mihaela;
  4. Vice-president of Board – Mr. VASILE Eugeniu;
  5. Member of the Board – Mr. GHICA Corneliu;
  6. Member of the Board – Mr. FRUTH Victor
  7. Member of the Board – Mrs. TANKO Gabriela
  8. General Secretary – Mr. TEODORESCU Valentin Serban;
  9. Treasurer – Mr. SURDU Vasile-Adrian.

Art.17 Board Election

The President and the Board members are elected for a period of 2 years with the possibility of re-election for another term maximum, corresponding to the same positions within the association

Art.18 Boards Tasks

The Boards Tasks are:

  1. Shows General Assembly activity report for the previous period, the budget of income and expenses, balance sheet, income and expenditure draft and the draft work program of the Association;
  2. Undertakes legal acts in the name and on behalf of the Association;
  3. Approve the organizational and personnel policy;
  4. Provides current management of the association;
  5. Admit or reject applications for membership of the Association;
  6. Establish links with other organizations and institutions (national, international, public or private persons etc.);
  7. Validate applications of members who want to sit on the management of the association;

The Board meets quarterly. Board papers are available in this place the majority of members, and the decisions taken are valid if they took a 50% plus 1 vote of the members present at that meeting. The Board of Directors may propose a simple majority at the General Assembly limited suspension or exclusion from SMER a member reprehensible acts or failure statutory obligations. General Assembly decision is final.

Art.19 Responsabilities of the President of the Association

President of the Association shall:

  1. Represent the Association in relations with third parties;
  2. Preside meetings of the General Assembly and the Board of Directors, on which he is present;
  3. Watch and boost work of the Board of the Association;
  4. Sign the financial documents with the Treasurer of the Association.

The President is elected at the first General Assembly of the Association.

Art.20 Tasks of the other members of the Board of Directors

Atribuțiile celorlalți membri ai Consiliului Director vor fi precizate în regulamentul de organizare și funcționare al asociației.

Art.21 The Censor

Censor is not part of the governing bodies above and is appointed by the Board for a period of 2 years. The Censor:

  1. Checks yearly economic and financial activity of the Association;
  2. Presents reports about the Board of Directors and the General Assembly;
  3. Develops budget revenues and expenditures and present it to the General Assembly;
  4. May participate in meetings of the Board, but without voting rights;
  5. Has no executive powers.

Choosing and revoking the Censor is made by the Board.


Art.22 SMER Expenses

SMER expenses consist of:

  1. Supporting professional and scientific activity, according to the annual calendar;
  2. Administrative expenses;
  3. Expenses related to affiliation S.M.E.R. with the European Society of Microscopy;
  4. Other expenses, with the approval of the Board of Directors (subscriptions to magazines, website maintenance).

Final provisions:

Art.23 The entire activity of S.M.E.R. is subject to Romanian legislation.

Art.24 This Statute is valid for the entire existence of SMER, amendment or addition it’s being made by a vote of over two thirds of the participants in the General Assembly

Art.25 The Association may establish subsidiaries, branches or regional agencies in the country and abroad, with compliance and approval of the General Assembly.

Art.26 Dissolution of the Association may take place in the following cases:

  1. By decision of the General Assembly;
  2. By court decision.

Art.27 Liquidation of assets (goods) association, if ordering the dissolution of the association, will cover the following route:

Identifying and transmission of assets:

  1. Goods will be identified, inventoried and assessed in relation to pecuniary financial records - accounts of association;
  2. Heritage goods from the Association shall be sent to other Romanian legal entities with an identical or similar to the association subscribed;
  3. Goods will be delivered by legal entities identified in advance, after the Board will establish a list of priorities.

Delivery of goods:

  1. It will proceed to handing of the goods by making civil legal acts;
  2. It will prepare handover protocols.

Art.28 Any disputes with other natural or legal persons shall be resolved by the ordinary courts, after you try a friendly settlement


The provisions of this statute shall be filled with the legal provisions in force.