C.R.E.M.S. 2023

CREMS 1                     Grand Napoca

Conference of the Romanian Electron Microscopy Society - C.R.E.M.S.

 Final program of the conference is available here.

The 5th Conference of the Romanian Electron Microscopy Society with international participation will be held at GRAND HOTEL NAPOCA (https://hotelnapoca.ro/) in Cluj-Napoca, between October 18-21, 2023.

The conference will be organized on three topics:

  1. Electron microscopy in Life Sciences
  2. Electron microscopy in Materials Science
  3. Equipment and technology for electron microscopy

Under Topics 1 and 2, participants will have the opportunity to present, in the form of oral presentation and/or poster, original scientific results based on the use of microscopy in life sciences and materials science.

Under Topic 3, representatives of companies producing specialized equipment will have the opportunity to present high-end equipment and devices in the field of electron microscopy.

The abstracts of the scientific presentations will be sent by e-mail as a Word file on the address This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. no later than October 10th, 2023. The abstracts will be submitted via the following link:

Abstract Submission

The abstract acceptance and the Oral/Poster presentation mode will be notified between October 11-15, 2023.

The conference will include also an image contest entitled „At the confluence between science and art” based on electron microscopy images (TEM/SEM). To participate in the contest, images will be sent by e-mail at the address This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. before October 10th, 2023, along with personal identification data: first name, last name, affiliation, telephone number. The contest rules are available here:

contest rules

 The participation fee includes the access to the conference works, the conference materials, the welcome cocktail, gala dinner, coffee breaks, two lunches and also the accommodation (breakfast included) at the hotel at special prices.



 Until July 31st (including)

Until September 30th (including)  


On request EURO (Single Room)

  On request EURO (Double Room)

On request EURO (Single Room)

  On request EURO (Double Room) 

REMS Member Participant

On request EURO (Single Room)

  On request EURO (Double Room) 

On request EURO (Single Room)

  On request EURO (Double Room) 


On request EURO (Single Room)

  On request EURO (Double Room)  

 It is also possible to register without accommodation, by paying a fee covering the access to the conference works, the conference materials, the welcome cocktail, gala dinner, coffee breaks and two lunches at the following prices:



Until July 31st (including) 

Until October 22nd (including) 

On site


 300 EURO

350 EURO 

400 EURO 

REMS Member Participant

250 EURO

300 EURO

350 EURO


200 EURO

*Students will provide a student certificate valid on the abstract acceptance date.

Registration must be made by completing the information required in the following link:




Confirmed invited speakers

Dr. Ileana Florea - Université Côte d’Azur, France

Dr. Mehmet Ali Gülgün - Sabanci University, Turkey 

Dr. Lucian Roiban - Universitè de Lyon, France

Dr. Radu Fierascu - ICECHIM, Romania


Organizing Committee:

Dr. Bogdan Ștefan Vasile - Universitatea Politehnica București, România

Dr. Corneliu Ghica - INCD Fizica Materialelor, Măgurele, România

Dr. Valentin-Adrian Maraloiu - INCD Fizica Materialelor, Măgurele, România

Dr. Ana-Maria Morosanu - Institutul de Biologie al Academiei Romane, Bucuresti, România

Dr. Victor-Eduard Peteu - INCD în Domeniul Patologiei și Științelor Biomedicale „Victor Babeș”, București, România

Dr. Ionel Mercioniu - INCD Fizica Materialelor, Măgurele, România

Dr. Cristina Uncu - Universitatea Politehnica București, România



Event organized with the support from


                    nimp logo


          National Institute of Materials Physics                   Universitatea POLITEHNICA of Bucharest                       
         incd logo ro                          logo IBB

„Victor Babeș” National Institute of Pathology and Biomedical Sciences

    Institute of Biology - Bucharest of  Romanian Academy





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